1965 Oliver 1550
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Make of Tractor:
Make Year:
Drawbar/HP Pully Horsepower:
Serial Number:
Description: This 53 horsepower gas powered tractor was sold new in Coulterville, IL in 1965 to an unknown buyer. It was resold at auction in the Bois Brule Bottoms in about 1980. Dillard Acton purchased it for use on his pig farm in Lithium, Mo. He used it for 25 years and it sat for 5 years unused or started. Mr. Acton was my wife's uncle. I knew he had a tractor but I didn't know even what it was. I just knew I wanted that tractor for parades. In July 2010 he told me he was ready to sell the tractor and loader. I then purchased it for restoration. After 3 hours of pressure washing, lots of light maintenance, changing all fluids and filters, and new rear tires and tubes it was looking like a parade-worthy machine. I refinished the complete exterior with polyurethane paint and decals. All together it took about a year to complete the restoration. Our family has been using it in parades for almost a decade. One of the most memorable moments during the restoration was when my granddaughter, Molly - about 9 years old at the time - came down to help. She had to put gloves on to help clean it because it was so dirty. There were layers of pig farm that had to come off during its restoration. This Oliver is now retired from dirtwork. It's used for snow removal and spends lots of time at local parades.
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