Farmall 1959 340
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Make of Tractor:
Make Year: 1959
Drawbar/HP Pully Horsepower:
Serial Number:
Description: This is a Farmall 1959 340 Tractor owned by Scott and Stephanie Bronenkant of Longtown, MO. This Farmall Tractor was originally bought new from Frohna Machine Shop in Perryville, MO by Kenneth and Jeanette Bergman of Perryville, MO. Kenneth used the Farmall Tractor for his livestock and grain farm. He used it for feeding hogs, running augers and hay elevators, and pulling wagons. Kenneth sold the Farmall Tractor before he died, and it was restored by the Paul Hayden Family of Perryville, MO. Kenneth is Scott’s great uncle. The pair farmed together for many years. When were given the opportunity, Scott and Stephanie jumped at the chance to purchase the Farmall Tractor. They both take great pride that the Farmall Tractor is home, can be used on the farm, and taken to tractor shows. Scott and Stephanie took the Farmall Tractor to Rantool, IL the summer of 2022, and pulled the American Tractor Museum trailer in the parade.
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